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QUEST Vehicle Routing Software Library

Ninth Wave Computing, Inc.

QUEST is a library of subroutines written in C that provide all functionsnecessary to near-optimally solve a variety of standard vehicle routingproblems, with many practical extensions.QUEST includes powerful distance estimation procedures to compute point-to-point distances on the earth's surface, which take into account roadconditions and natural barriers. QUEST also includes a large collectionof combinatorial optimization procedures to solve the vehicle routingproblem and its embedded traveling salesman problems.All of QUEST's procedures are available at a high-level and are welldocumented. QUEST is useful to any organization with a need for powerfulvehicle routing software, from developing an in-house distributionmanagement system to developing a complete system for marketing to thetransportation industry.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: User application
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Ninth Wave Computing, Inc.
5 Balsam Ct
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone: (919) 929-8894
Fax: (919) 929-8894